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Are you interested in gathering with other SC ABA members to discuss issues related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion?
Join the SC ABA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group!
SIGs will meet virtually at least every other month, on a day/time determined by the SIG leader.
SIG meeting structure will be determined by the SIG leader(s), but may include open discussion of a particular subtopic, discussion of scenarios, or discussing an article related to the topic.
SIG members must be current members of SC ABA. Members are expected to participate actively in SIG meetings and create opportunities to share information and discuss issues related to the SIG topic.
SIG registration will be open on a rolling basis, but register by April 3 to receive emails about the initial SIG meeting! SIG members will be contacted by the SIG leader in April or May.
Have questions? Contact
South Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 50273, Summerville, SC 29485